About Us

From sketches to designs, my passion for building beautiful things took off when I stumbled upon an architectural website years ago. My heart skipped a few beats, I knew this was what I wanted to do. My father's "Go for it" resonated as the beginning of my remodel-building-design path.

I moved to Arizona and began working for a remodeling company and one of the top interior design firms in Scottsdale. Yet Houston drew me back, and in the wake of 2017's Hurricane Harvey, I joined my uncle's company at Excel Construction, learning the art of rebuilding lives, not just houses, sharing talents, not just services. I was like a sponge trying to soak in everything he taught me.

I have often felt, "I must build." I believe the desire to create comes from the Master Creator. At the end of 2018, my uncle retired and offered me to take over the company. I hit the ground running landing one of my biggest remodel jobs. He mentored me and spent hours teaching me how to estimate and how to do things the right way. I was like a sponge trying to soak in everything he taught me.

2024 marked a new era with a refreshed brand that blends my love for design with upscale remodels, additions, and bespoke builds. There's magic in the transformation—from old to exquisite, from blueprints to breathtaking realities. Creating not just spaces, but stories, joys, and lasting friendships. Like an artist, giving form to dreams, my work reflects the divine craft—reimagining, redefining, and realizing possibilities.

God took the time to create and beautify this world, to show us what is possible, to show us what we can one day do and to bring us joy for,

the desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul.

Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Let's build!

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713.838.6711 - Call or text

Richmond, TX 77406

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